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© 2018 Della Jean Abrahams
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1- Learning how to speak and listen in English:

  • Tips and strategies for increasing and retaining learning
  • Advice on learning English in a university setting

Chapter 2- Introductions:

  • Describing yourself and other people  Grammar points  Third person singular ‘s’  Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives

Chapter 3- Talking about travel and experiences:

  • Intonation in English  Grammar points  WH and Yes/No question formation

Chapter 4- Discussing food and eating:

  • Understanding Conversational English with reduced speech  Grammar points  Contractions in English

Chapter 5- Describing places around town:

  • Addresses and place descriptions  Grammar points  Past tense verbs  Ordinal and cardinal numbers

Chapter 6- Communicating about hobbies and routines:

  • Agreeing and Disagreeing in English  Grammar points  Using so, too, neither and either  Adverbs of frequency

Chapter 7- Discussing jobs and university majors:

  • Word and syllable stress in English  Grammar points  Future tense verbs    Script and Answer Key: Page 86-91


Vocabulary List

Chapter 1 important (adj.)    information  (n.)    opinion (n.)    discuss  (v.)     response (n.)   apply (v.)                 knowledge (n.)     strategy (n.)     environment (n.)     success (n.)

Chapter 2  interest (n.)    country (n.)     social (adj.)     individual (adj./noun)     community (n.)  describe (v.)    relationship (n.)     generation (n.)     favorite (adj.)       education (n.)

Chapter 3  view (n./v. )    produce  (v.)      develop (v.)            remember(v.)              decide (v.)  argue (v.)     achieve (v.)          challenge (n./v.)     introduce (v.)              ability (n.)

Chapter 4 process(n./v.)     increase (n./v.)         product (n.)           allow (v.)               suggest (v.)  national (adv.)      quality (n.)     international (adj.)     specific (adj.)     avoid (v.)

Chapter 5 public (adj./n.)     business (n.)     region (n.)           population (n.)          advantage (n.) modern (adj.)      natural (adj.)     traditional (adj.)   purchase (n./v.)       market (n.)

Chapter 6:   believe (v.)     reason(n.)     experience (n./v.)        create (v.)           outdoors (n.) mind (n.)     artistic (adj.)      foreign (adv.)         necessary (adj.)            benefit (n.)

Chapter 7  degree (n.)      service (n.)      together (adv.)     consider ( v.)     position (n.)  project (n.)     opportunity (n.)     interview (n./v.)     successful (adj.)    demanding (adj.)   Vocabulary words selected from:


Vocabulary Glossary

ability (n.)          The power or skill to do something.

achieve (v.)         To get or reach something by working hard.

advantage (n.)       Something that is good; a benefit.

allow (v.)              To permit someone to have or do something.

apply (v.)        To make a request for something such as a job.

argue (v.)         To give reasons for or against something.

artistic (adj.)          Having or showing the skill of an artist.

avoid (v.)        To stay away from something or someone.

believe (v.)          To think something is true.

benefit (n.)          A good or helpful result of something.

business (n.)          A company that makes or sells things for money.

challenge (n./v.)    A difficult problem.

community (n.).    A group of people who live in the same area.

consider ( v.)         To think about something carefully.

country (n.)       An area of land controlled by a government.

create (v.)              To make or build something.

decide (v.)         To make a choice about something.

degree (n.)              A diploma earned at a university such as a bachelor’s or master’s.

demanding (adj.)    Something that needs a lot of time and hard work.

describe (v.)         To say what something looks or feels like.

develop (v.)         To cause something to grow or become bigger.

discuss (v.)          To talk about an idea or subject with someone.

education (n.)          The process of teaching and learning.

environment (n.)     The people and things that are around you in life.

experience (n./v.).   A skill you get by doing something.

favorite (adj.)          A person or thing that is liked more than others.

foreign (adv.)          From a different country.

generation (n.)        A group of people who are about the same age.

important  (adj.).     Something that has a big effect on someone’s life.

increase (n./v.)        To become bigger in amount or number.

individual (adj./n.)  One person or part of a larger group.

Information (n.)      Facts or details that tell you about something.

interest (n.)           Something that you enjoy doing or learning about.

international (adj.)  Involving two or more countries.

interview (n./v.       A meeting where people ask each other questions.

introduce (v.)         To make someone or something known by name.

knowledge (n.)       Information, skills, and understanding that you have gotten through learning or experience.

market (n.).       A place to buy something.

mind (n.)         The part of a person that thinks and remembers.

modern (adj.)       Something related to a new style.

national (adv.)    Relating to a whole country or nation.

natural (adj.)       Something from nature; not made by humans.

necessary (adj.)   Something so important that you must have it.

opinion (n.)      Your idea or belief about a subject.

opportunity (n.)   The chance to do something.

outdoors (n.)       Outside of a building; not inside.

population (n.)     The number of people who live in a place.

position (n.)         The place where someone or something is.

process(n./v.)       A series of actions that produce something.

produce (v.)         To make or create something.

product (n.)          Something that is made to be sold.

project (n.)           A task that needs to be worked on for some time.

public (adj./n.)      Something available to anyone, not private.

purchase (n./v.)     To buy something with money.

quality (n.)            How good or bad something is.

reason(n.)              A fact that explains why something is how it is.

region (n.)             A part of a country that is separate or different.

remember(v.)        To keep an idea or image in your mind.

relationship (n.)    The way people are connected to one another, such as a family.

response (n.)         Something that is said or written as a reply.

service (n.)            A company that provides something to the public, like cable TV or internet.

social (adj.)           Someone who enjoys being with other people.

specific (adj.)       Something special or particular.

strategy (n.)         A plan of steps for achieving something.

success (n.)           When you achieve what you want.

successful (adj.)    Doing well at something you want; earning a lot of money, fame or respect.

suggest (v.)          To say that something should be chosen.

together (adv.)     When two things or two people are with each other.

traditional (adj.)   A way of thinking or doing that has been done by people for a long time. view (n./v. )         An opinion or way of thinking about something.


Chapter 1


Chapter 1- Learning English at a University   In this chapter, you will learn about:

  • Tips and strategies for learning English in a university setting
  • Tips and strategies for improving listening and speaking skills in English
  • How to identify syllables in English words

Learning a language is like running in a race. There is a lot of warm-up and a lot of practice before you can do well. However, if you try hard, you can win.

Discussion questions:

  1. Read the sentences above. How is learning a language similar to running a race? What are some similarities between the two activities? What are some differences?
  2. When a person runs a race, they need to warm up their muscles before they start. Is learning a new language similar? How can you warm up before speaking in a second language?


Chapter 1

Learning English at a University  Maybe you have studied at a university before, but learning a new language is a special goal that needs a special set of tools in order to succeed.   This chapter will discuss three sets of learning tips to help you get on a great start to learning English.

  • General learning tips for university classes
  • Tips for improving speaking and listening skills
  • Tips for learning vocabulary in a second language


General Learning Tips for English Learners

Follow the learning tips below to improve your language learning.  Remember that learning must happen in the class with your teacher and classmates but also outside of class in your own time. Use English as much as possible!

In class 

  • Speak only English as much as possible
  • Sit by someone who doesn’t speak your language in class
  • Ask a lot of questions when you don’t understand
  • Before you translate a word in your dictionary to your language, try to understand the word from its context (the words around it)
  • When the teacher asks a question, raise your hand to answer. Don’t be afraid to try.
  • Be brave and speak- don’t be shy to try your English skills

Outside of class

  • Use resources available to you at your school o Use conversation partners and tutors

o Visit your teacher’s office hours for questions and practice

o Go to free parties and events on campus with English speakers

  • Go to community events where English is spoken
  • Listen to the news, radio, and TV in English
  • Review old vocabulary words and listen again to practice audio quizzes

Discussion questions:

  1. How many of the learning strategies listed do you already use?
  2. What are 2 or 3 new strategies from the lists that you can try this week?
  3. Do you use any other learning strategies that are different from the ones discussed here?


Tips for Improving Speaking and Listening Skills  Improving your speaking and listening skills in English requires a lot of time and effort. However, with knowledge and use of some learning strategies, your English abilities will grow quickly.  Speaking and listening are skills that are closely connected. Improving one of them will help you improve the other. Remember this as you study English.  Also, remember that improving your reading, grammar and writing skills in English will also help you improve your speaking and listening. Try to use and practice all part of the English language together.

Speaking Listening

  • Speak in English as often as possible, not only in class
  • Listen in English as often as possible, not only in class
  • Find good English speakers to practice with
  • Listen to activities that you can read at the same time
  • Use grammar rules in your speaking
  • Listen to something 3 or 4 times
  • Listen to pronunciation of words then repeat
  • Listen and write what you hear
  • Practice using correct stress, intonation and rhythm of English
  • Listen actively: notice what you understand and what you don’t
  • Spend at least 30-60 minutes every day of the week speaking in English
  • Spend at least 30-60 minutes every day of the week listening to English


Listening Practice  

Part 1 Directions:  After reading about learning strategies on the pages before, listen to the story below about Kaori, a Japanese student who has moved to the United States to study English.

As you listen, try to hear the answers to the questions below. Take some notes by the questions. After you listen, discuss your answers to the questions with your partner.

Activity 1  Discussion questions:

  1. Why does Kaori feel shy to speak in her English class?
  2. Why isn’t Kaori’s English improving?
  3. What can she do to change her feelings?
  4. Do you understand how Kaori feels? Why or why not?

Part 2. Now listen to another story about Kaori. Has she changed anything about her learning habits? Is she feeling more successful? Listen and answer the questions below.

Activity 2  Discussion questions:

  1. What are 2 of the changes Kaori made at school?
  2. Why does she feel better now?
  3. What is the main idea of these two stories?

Learning Tips for Vocabulary Words   In order to successfully learn vocabulary, you will need to understand and use the new word a lot. Using the same strategy each time you learn a new word will help you remember new vocabulary. Follow the steps below while you are learning English and your vocabulary will increase quickly.

  • Step 1: Look at the spelling of the word and listen carefully to how it is pronounced.
  • Step 2: Using an English dictionary, find the meaning of the new word and the part of speech. Is it a noun? Is it a verb?
  • Step 3: Study how the word is used in context ( inside of a sentence or paragraph).
  • Step 4: Quiz yourself on the word. Use flashcards often. Can you remember the word’s meaning and how it is spelled? Can you easily use it in a sentence?
  • Step 5: Review and recycle the new word until you can easily remember it.  Apply these steps to the chapter one vocabulary words on the next page.

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

important (adj.)    information  (n.)    opinion (n.)    discuss  (v.)     response (n.)    apply (v.)                 knowledge (n.)     strategy (n.)     environment (n.)     success (n.)

Part 1 Directions: Use your dictionary to find the meaning for the vocabulary words in the box. Then write the words from the box next to their definitions below.

Vocabulary Words   Definitions

  1. ____________________________________: A plan of steps for achieving something.
  2. ____________________________________: To talk about an idea or subject with someone.
  3. ____________________________________ : Something that has a big effect on someone’s life.
  4. ____________________________________ : The people and things that are around you in life.
  5. ____________________________________ : Something that is said or written as a reply.
  6. ____________________________________: To make a request for something such as a job.
  7. ____________________________________: Facts or details that tell you about something.
  8. ____________________________________: Your idea or belief about a subject.
  9. ___________________________________: When you achieve what you want.
  10. ___________________________________: Information, skills, and understanding that you have gotten through learning or experience.

Part 2  Directions: Read the questions below. Find and underline each vocabulary word in the questions. Then ask your partner the questions.

  1. What kind of environment is good for studying?
  2. What information did you learn in class yesterday?
  3. Do you like to discuss your opinions in class?
  4. What do you need to do to be a successful student?


Listening tip:  Syllables 

When you listen to a word in English, you can hear different parts of the word. These parts are called ‘syllables’.     For example,   -the word paper has two parts:  pa – per    -the word beautiful has three parts: beau- ti- ful    – the word love only has one part:  love

Knowing how many syllables a word has will help you be able to pronounce the word correctly. It will also help you be able to spell the word.

How do you find the syllables in a word?

  • A dictionary will mark the syllables in a word like this: pa – per
  • Study the spelling of the word- Every syllable needs at least 1 vowel pa- per
  • Put your hand under your chin and say the word. Each time your chin touches your hand counts as one syllable.
  • Listen carefully to each sound you can hear in the word.

Practice hearing syllables below with the chapter 1 vocabulary words:   

Directions: Listen to the pronunciation of the vocabulary words. Write the vocabulary word then listen again and write the number of syllables that you hear in each word. The first word has been done for you.  Mark the syllables on each of the words.

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

  1. Im-por-tant (3)
  2. ________________________
  3. _________________________
  4. ________________________
  5. ________________________
  6. ________________________
  7. ________________________
  8. ________________________
  9. ________________________
  10. ________________________


Using Vocabulary in Context

Part A Directions:  Read the paragraph and try to complete the missing words with the chapter 1 vocabulary words.  You many need to make a word plural.

important (adj.)    information  (n.)    opinion (n.)    discuss  (v.)     response (n.)    apply (v.)                 knowledge (n.)     strategy (n.)     environment (n.)     success (n.)

On the first day of English class, there is a lot of ____________________________ that you will talk about and______________________________ with your teacher and classmates.  It is very ____________________________that you pay attention, so you don’t miss anything.

Your teacher will ask you questions and will wait for your ____________________. In American classrooms, the ______________________________________ is interactive, which means the teacher and the students talk to each other a lot. Also, it is common for the students to talk in groups or pairs a lot and share ideas or ________________________________________________ about something.

On the first day, your teacher might share a new learning ____________________ or tip that will help increase your _______________________________ in the class.  Before too long, you will have a lot of ___________________________________ in your brain, and you will improve your English in no time. You might even use your new English skills to  ___________________________________________ for a student job or a place on a university team! Good luck!

Part B Directions: Listen below and check your answers in the paragraph above.

Part C Directions: Practice reading the paragraph with a partner. Take turns reading the paragraph out loud and practicing correct pronunciation of the vocabulary words.

Find someone who….

Directions:  You must find a classmate who says “yes” to the points below.

First, think of how to find the information using a question.  Then, ask your classmates the questions and write their names if they say “yes”.  If they say “no”, ask a different classmate.  Try to find a different name for each question.

Example: wants to study English for two years. Q: Do you want to study English for two years?   A: Yes, I do.

  1. likes to learn new information. Q: __________________________________ A:_____________
  2. wants to apply for a job in the United States. Q: ________________________ A:_____________
  3. likes to discuss interesting news topics Q: ____________________________ A:_____________
  4. has strong opinions. Q: _________________________________________ A:_____________
  5. thinks learning English is an important skill. Q:_________________________ A:_____________
  6. wants to speak English at a future job. Q:_____________________________ A:_____________
  7. likes to speak with Americans on the weekends. Q: _____________________ A:_____________
  8. enjoys movies and TV shows in English. Q: ___________________________ A:_____________
  9. has a good strategy for learning English. Q:____________________________ A:_____________
  10. likes the environment of a university. Q:______________________________ A:_____________

Discussion Activity:  Choosing a University

Directions: You and your best friend have just finished high school and want to choose a university to attend together. You have narrowed it to two choices, but you can’t decide which one you want to go to. Both schools have accepted you. Which one will you choose? You must agree with your friend.

University A                                                   University B

Samford Hall, by TPSDave, CC0           Sumner School, by TPSDave, CC0

-In a small community                            – in the middle of a big city

-Quiet neighborhood                                – loud and noisy

-Not close to restaurants or shopping   – next to many restaurants and shops

-500 students                                             -25,000 students

-No public transportation                        – close to public transportation

-$ 35,000.00 per year tuition                 – $25,000.00 per year tuition

1.Which university will you choose to attend?  ___________________________

2. What are three reasons why you will choose the university and not the other?

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________


Chapter 1 Review   Learning English isn’t easy, but you can improve quickly if you try hard!

  1. Remember and use the learning tips in this chapter.
  2. Apply the strategies discussed in this chapter to your vocabulary learning.
  3. Notice the number of syllables in words.
  4. Use English as often as you can outside of the classroom!

Extra listening practice:

  • Should College be Free?
  • Studying Habits


Discussion Questions:

  1. Look at the photo of Harmony Day, a holiday in Australia. What do you think the holiday is about?
  2. How do the people in the photo know each other? What are they doing?