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Vovinam University International

In 1938, Founder Nguyễn Lộc developed Vovinam, a martial arts discipline to teach students physical techniques in protecting their bodies. Until 1964, Grandmaster Lê Sáng implemented into Vovinam Việt-Võ-Đạo (The-Way-of-Life) philosophy to guide students in having a strong spirit. Today, the world is constantly changing and continually demanding the student not only having a healthy Body, a noble Spirit, but also having an intelligent Mind to be successful and prosperous in life.

Through connecting with students, parents and the educational community throughout the world, Vovinam schools needed to be expanded digitally and modified to reach our students’ ever-changing needs. To ensure that each student who pursues a professional services career in sport management graduates from Vovinam University International (VUI) with the necessary educational skills and knowledge of the Body, Mind, and Spirit to develop the new generation of Vovinam youth.

VUI’s foundation “Helping Hands” program provides scholarship to assist students through our non-profit university to get a higher education regardless of financial, geographical, political, cultural or personal constraints. Scholarships are eligible for students that meet only two requirements: a high school diploma or equivalent and a member of any Vovinam school in any country.

Goals and Principles
Online Courses